Friday, December 23, 2005

Holy Shopping Batman!

Yeah, I'll never go near the mall again on the day before Christmas Eve. OMG!!!! People everywhere driving like morons...Ugh!

So, we left for Shopping at 11am. Went and had lunch at Jack 'n' the Crack. Went and picked up my nephew, Marc. We have about 5 more people to shop for. I didn't want to go anywhere near Mid Rivers Mall so Mikey and Marc suggested the Mills. Ok, fine, there are so many stores there we're bound to find something for all 5 people we have left.

Wrong, Mikey is not a shopper #1. #2, I don't feel I should have to shop for the people that are on his list. So, with that said, we ended up buying me 2 shirts from Banana Republic, 2 Green day posters for Brax (Who we were already done shopping for) and we got his Secret Santa gift for Bill's Garage. Thats it. LoL yeah, we got home at 5:30pm. 6.5 hours and we bought 1 gift for the 5 people we were supposed to be buying for.

Needless to say, Mikey will be going out tomorrow morning and finishing up since the people we need gifts for are his family. Im finished with mine.

Well that was my Friday afternoon at Mike and Diana's WooHoo!!!!

Merry Ho Ho Everyone!


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