Thursday, April 27, 2006

My very own Buddy Holly

Brax had to do his "Living Museum" presentation at school today. For those of you that don't know what that is:

The kids pick someone from history (Past or present day) to do a report on, dress up like and then recite the report from memory as if they were a wax figure in a museum.

Braxton, being the music loving guitar player he is, chose Buddy Holly. He was awesome. I could not have been more proud. Here are some pics........

(I know he kind of more resembles Roy Orbison, but he's not, He's Buddy Holly)


Blogger Violet Babbled...

He looks so great! I'm sure that he had a ton of fun doing this project. He totally looks the part, like he could've lived in that era...

7:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous Babbled...

wow.. nice to see some kids into the great buddy holly.. im sure buddy himself would've been proud to see this... awesome.... keep up the great work.. look forward to seeing and his music someday

9:50 AM  

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