Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Woo Hoois on tonight!! I've been waiting forever. MiKeY won't be home for the next 3 months on Tuesday's and Wednesdays LoL. That's ok, Brax likes to watch it with me.

So anyway, yesterday MiKeY was off work for MLK day (That's Martin Luther King for those of us with no clue , ahem, BiLL). So he got up before me so he could take a shower and what have you. I get up when he's done and go out to make my coffee. He's standing there in the kitchen dunking a tea bag in a coffee mug. Now, with a normal person that wouldn't strike me as odd, However this is Mikey I'm talking about. He is about as strange as they come. Not only that, he doesn't like or drink hot stuff other than Hot Chocolate and that's only because it has chocolate in it. But I digress....So I ask him in my just woke up I need coffee voice "What the heck are you doing? Since when do you drink Hot Tea". He replies "It's Chai.". I reply with "You are so odd.".

So, yeah, MiKeY drinking Chai Tea, whoda thunk it?

Well, today was a boring day. I had a conference call with an arrogant web consultant. I hate the fact that men in the IT/Web field think women are ignorant. Yes, so traditionally it's considered the "Good ole boys club". But really people, its the new millennium. Women know as much, usually more, than these men tend to think they do. We make less money, but our talents usually out weigh theirs 100 to 1.

So as this jerk wad is babbling on about their site and how they have these certain requirements, he tells me to click on this link on their page. So, I do. The page opens in a new window. I look at the heading on the page, then look at the title of the page. Hmmm...they don't match. So we mention this to him. Dead Silence. Then "Oh, uhh, hmm, yeah, I see that. I see that there is a mistake there. I'm not sure how that happened. We'll have to investigate that.". My boss and I just look at each other and smirk (Can't laugh out loud, they'd hear us, that would be bad). Anyway, just aggravates me that this guy was talking all high and mighty, then I, this lowly woman, point out HIS mistake. It was refreshing.
Welp, I'm off to make dinner. AI will be on in exactly 43 mins and I can't miss the beginning....So with that, I bid you all adieu.


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